The goal of valentine is to spread the love 💛 about your favourite R package via “roses are red …” poems 🌹 generated by AI via the ellmer 📦.
uses a Chat object to communicate with the LLM of your choice. The default value for the chat
argument uses the “gpt-3.5-turbo” model from OpenAI via the ellmer::chat_openai() which is usually good enough for such a simple task.
Please refer to ellmer documentation for information on setting up api keys, etc …
#> Roses are red,
#> dplyr is my bae 🌹
#> With pipes and verbs,
#> My data never goes astray 💖
valentine::roses("lubridate", hint = "make it kinky")
#> Roses are red, violets are blue,
#> But lubridate, oh how I adore you 💕
#> You make my dates smooth and my times hot 🔥
#> In R programming, you're all I've got 😈🌹
#> Roses are red,
#> Valentine is too 🌹
#> With its data magic,
#> My love for it grew 💖